A meeting of the newly elected Executive Members of the Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Mahasabha Central Committee and its departments mainly Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Sahitya Parisad, Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Sanskriti Parisad, will be held on 24-05-09 at 11 A.M. at the venue mentioned below.
All new executive members of the above mentioned bodies are cordially requested to attend the meeting to discuss the following agenda.
Venue :-Srila Bhubeneshwar Sadhuthakur Sevasram community Hall. Silchar-3
1. To take oath by the newly elected executive members.
2. To read the resolutions adopted in the last 43rd conference at Tripura
& their implementation.
3. Fund.
4. Constitution .
5. Misc
Dated 01.05.09.
yours sincerely
Uday Sinha,
Secretary General
Nikhil Bishnupriya Manipuri Mahasabha.